June 2024 Product Release Notes

This month’s release includes updates to both versions of the Insurance Verification reports and the Appointments tab. Keep reading for more information.

Insurance Verification and Insurance Verification Pro

New fields have been added to the insurance verification report so it’s easier to see your patients’ benefits and coverage. Additionally, some fields have been updated for clarity.

  •  New fields include Plans Provisions, Coordination of Benefits, Assigned Office, and the timestamp of when the form was generated.  
  • The report shows a clearer breakdown of deductibles and maximums when the system can pull that information from the clearinghouses and/or provider portals. This includes coverage level, the period in which the maximum and deductible exists, and what’s been used. This information will populate when a runs or re-runs a verification.  
  • The Pays On field auto populates with data if it’s available in the clearinghouse and/or provider portals.

Visit the Help Center for more information.


The Appointments Listing has been redesigned to help you more easily understand which patients are a priority. Alerts are listed with different icons so it’s simpler to understand and decide what actions to take.


Forms now writeback to Dentrix Ascend in real-time.